English Listening practice Healthy Diet (MP3 download + PDF)

ESL Listening + Vocabulary PDF
Dieting: Old Advice, New Again

What is the best way to improve your English quickly? Hard work + great study tools. The hard work is up to you, but my ESL listening vocabulary with PDF blog post is just what you need!

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This post has everything you need to improve your English at home.

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  • News story audio for listening practice
  • Listening practice audio (free download – study anytime)

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  • Read and understand the text with easy to understand definitions
  • 12 new words and expressions clearly explained – perfect for high beginner to intermediate level students

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  • New vocabulary PDF download
  • Listening fill in the blanks worksheet

You can find definitions for all the bold text in the vocabulary section below the story.

There is a link to download this audio in MP3 format at the end of the page. You can also download a FREE PDF with a fill-in-the-blanks English listening worksheet.

Audio HERE:

From: The Times in Plain English

Dieting: Old Advice, New Again

Diets usually fail. That’s how dieting has become a billion-dollar business. You lose weight, you stop dieting, you gain back the weight that you lost, and you start again on another diet.

Weight loss cycle
ESL Listening Vocabulary with PDF

Is there a better way? The answer is yes. And it’s easy. What is it? Change the way you eat.

It’s different for every person, but there are some general rules.

Read nutrition labels before you buy anything in a package.

Practice portion control.  Exercise and weigh yourself every day.

If the number on the scale begins to creep up, you should walk, bike, or swim a little more. You should eat a little less for a few days.

Eat everything you want, but eat in moderation.

Eat many homemade meals. Load the meals with vegetables.

Choose calorie-controlled snacks like popcorn, graham crackers, and ice cream (really ice milk). No seconds!

Reduce calories over the long term. You are most likely to be successful when you decide what changes in diet to make and when.

Dietary change is a slow process. It’s one that requires ongoing attention.

An expert said “I do not believe in diets or any particular products. I believe in learning how to create a healthy lifestyle. The formula is simple.” 🠊

  • Stop eating junk food,
  • Eat good food that is real, not processed,
  • Avoid drinking your calories,
  • Know what one serving is and do not eat more than that in a sitting,
  • Move your butt every day — even just walking is better than being a couch potato, and…
  • Stop making excuses.

Watch out for package claims of “low fat” or “low carbohydrate.” Read the facts on the nutrition label.

Sugar often compensates for flavor. Fruit juice may be fat-free. But it is not low in calories. It contains large amounts of sugar.

Sugar often compensates for flavor.

Watch the video below –

Listening vocabulary check

12 new words and phrases – explained with images and examples.

(The definitions are from http://www.oxfordlearnersdictionaries.com/)

Nutrition labels
ESL Listening Vocabulary

Read nutrition labels before you buy anything in a package.

ESL Listening Vocabulary

She cut the cake into 5 pieces, each piece is enough for 1 person.

Practice portion control.

Don’t eat too much, control your portion. (how much you eat)
creep up
ESL Listening Vocabulary

The prices of houses are gradually increasing.

If the number on the scale begins to creep up, you should walk, bike, or swim a little more.

If the number on your scale increases, you have gained weight. More exercise will help.
ESL Listening Vocabulary

It’s not good to drink too much. You should only drink a reasonable amount.

Eat everything you want, but eat in moderation.

ESL Listening Vocabulary with PDF

There is a large quantity [amount] of cheese on this pizza. *Loaded is an adjective made from the past participle of the verb load.

Eat many homemade meals. Load the meals with vegetables.

Eat a large amount of vegetables.
ESL Listening Vocabulary with PDF

This means – May I have a second piece of pie?

Choose calorie-controlled snacks like popcorn, graham crackers, and ice cream (really ice milk). No seconds!

Only eat one snack please.

Long-term investments hold your money for a long time, but you can [usually] make more money in the end.

Reduce calories over the long-term.

Reducing a small amount of calories has a positive effect over a long period of time.

This means – We will continue to train our staff.

Dietary change is a slow process. It’s one that requires ongoing attention.

We must continue to give attention to what we eat.
processed food
ESL Listening Vocabulary with PDF

Ingredients such as salt, sugar, and fat are sometimes added to processed foods to make them taste better.

Buying processed foods can cause people to eat unhealthy amounts of sugar, salt, and fat. People may not be aware of how much has been added to the food they are buying and eating. (link)

The hotel can serve a meal to 100 people in their hall.

Know what one serving is and do not eat more than that in a sitting.

Don’t eat more than you should at one meal.

I’m cutting back on carbs. I need to lose some weight!

Watch out for package claims of “low fat” or “low carbohydrate.”

Some foods use a lot of sugar to reduce the negative effects of processing.

Sugar often compensates for flavor. Fruit juice may be fat-free. But it is not low in calories. It contains large amounts of sugar.

This link is a calorie chart of common foods. It can help you make changes to your diet. It is also a downloadable PDF.

You can download the MP3 file from the link below. Listen and practice your English anytime.

Get your post PDF plus a fill in the blanks worksheet for extra listening practice.

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