Prepositions are challenging to use correctly in your second language. This post will help you by showing 8 prepositions that are used with common adjectives. Learn from real examples with 95 useful adjective and preposition combinations.
- Are you an English student looking for a detailed list of some common adjectives with prepositions? Do you want real example sentences that you can use?
- Are you an ESL teacher who wants some natural English examples of adjective and noun combinations to use with your students?
This post was made for you.
I have learned many new words in my own second language but I have never learned HOW TO USE new vocabulary from a simple list.
20, 50, or even 100 words written in a list with no examples doesn’t help me use them in conversation.
Keep reading for 95 example sentences that will help you to use adjective and preposition combinations just like a native English speaker.
Adjective + Preposition – Common examples
Three common prepositions are IN AT and ON. We use them to describe how actions relate in time and place. We will start our Adjective + Preposition list with these three words.
Adjectives + IN
disappointed in – upset because something you hoped for has not happened or been as good, successful, etc. as you expected
- Fans were very disappointed in the actor after the scandal.
experienced in – having knowledge or skill in a particular job or activity
- I can see on your resume that you are experienced in teaching large classes. That will be helpful at this school.
interested in – used to describe wanting to give your attention to something and learn more about it
- At the age of 4 Mozart had become interested in music.

involved in – taking part in something; being part of something or connected with something
- You will run classes and also be involved in lesson preparation.
polite in – having or showing good manners and respect for the feelings of others
- You want to show respect when you talk to the principal, you need to be polite in these situations
successful in – having become popular and/or made a lot of money
- I always knew Martin would be successful in his job at the State office.
Adjectives + AT
amazing at – very impressive; excellent
- Rodney is an excellent guitarist and he’s also amazing at the drums.
amazed at – very surprised
- The first time I heard him play I was amazed at how good he is.
angry at – having strong feelings about something that you dislike very much or about an unfair situation
- I know I made a mistake but I hope you won’t be angry at me for too long. I promise to make it up to you.
annoyed at – slightly angry
- Karen is really annoyed at me right now. I had to work late every night this week
awful at – very bad or unpleasant
- I had a great time here over the last 3 months. I’m so sad to leave. Sorry for crying, I’m awful at goodbyes.
bad at – of poor quality; below an acceptable standard
- My Visa bill is huge this month. I need to improve my finance skills, I’m really bad at budgeting.
excellent at – extremely good
- I’ll ask my mom to make cookies for the party. She’s excellent at baking.
good at – of high quality or an acceptable standard
- I would make them myself but unfortunately, I’m not good at baking at all. The last time I tried to make cookies I burnt two batches and I filled the kitchen with smoke.

Good At or Good In (or Good With?) Your complete guide
hopeless at – if something is hopeless, there is no hope that it will get better or succeed
- Rick is also hopeless at baking. He doesn’t even know how to turn the oven on.
mad at – very angry
- My wife is still mad at me from the last time I tried to cook a turkey in the oven. It was a disaster.
shocked at – surprised and upset; showing that somebody feels surprised and upset
- I was shocked at the ending of the movie. I didn’t expect that at all.
skilled at – having enough ability, experience, and knowledge to be able to do something well
- Michael has always been skilled at woodworking. He has real natural talent.
surprised at – feeling or showing surprise
- We were surprised at the cost of living here in Tokyo Japan. It wasn’t as high as we suspected.
terrible at – of very bad quality; very bad
lucky at – having good luck
- My friend and I went to the casino last weekend. I’m terrible at poker but I’m lucky at blackjack.
Adjectives + ON
dependent on – needing somebody/something in order to survive or be successful
- When I turned 21 I left home and got my own apartment. It felt nice not having to be dependent on anyone.
keen on – enthusiastic about an activity or idea, etc.
- I’m not too keen on the new prime minister. I think he is spending the country’s money on things that are not important.
big on – This has a meaning very similar to keen on, it shows we are in favor of something or like something. It is often used in its negative form, “not big on.”
- Let’s rent a comedy to watch tonight, I’m not big on horror films. If I watch one I won’t be able to sleep.
Learn how to use the common English Prepositions IN, AT, ON HERE
Adjectives + ABOUT
anxious about – feeling worried or nervous
- I’ve got three big tests next week and there doesn’t feel like I have enough time to study. I’m really anxious about them.
crazy about – to be very interested in something or love someone very much
- My cousin is crazy about Japanese anime. He has more than 50 anime DVDs in his room.
enthusiastic about – feeling or showing a lot of excitement and interest about somebody/something
- I’m not too enthusiastic about the tests either. Writing three tests in five days is very stressful.
excited about – feeling or showing happiness and enthusiasm
- Things are tough now but I’m excited about the future.

mad about – very angry
- Doug is mad about how much money he was charged for his car repairs. He feels he was ripped off.
nervous about – anxious about something or afraid of something
- I’m flying to Dublin tomorrow, it’s my first time visiting Europe. I’m a little nervous about the flight but I’m excited too.
optimistic about – expecting good things to happen or something to be successful; showing this feeling
- I try to always be optimistic about life. Having a positive attitude is good for your mental health.
sad about – unhappy or showing unhappiness
- The 2020n Fuji Rock festival was canceled due to the Coronavirus. I understand it’s for safety but I’m still sad about it.
serious about – needing to be thought about carefully
- I hope the government gets serious about boosting the economy this year. Too many people can’t find work.
stressed about – too anxious and tired to be able to relax
- I have a health check-up tomorrow, I’m sure everything’s fine but I’m a little bit stressed about it.
upset about – unhappy or disappointed because of something unpleasant that has happened
- Many people are upset about how much money was spent on the Olympics.
Adjectives +
We say adjective “ABOUT something” but adjective “WITH someone for something.”
Look at the following examples and compare how these prepositions are used.
ANGRY – having strong feelings about something that you dislike very much or about an unfair situation
- Is Jennifer still angry ABOUT last Saturday?
- Is Jennifer still angry WITH me for last Saturday?
ANNOYED – slightly angry
My mom is annoyed ABOUT the dog’s dirty footprints on the carpet.
My mom is annoyed WITH my sister for letting the dirty dog in the house.
FURIOUS – very angry
My brother takes baseball too seriously. He was furious ABOUT the game last night.
He was furious WITH the first baseman for missing an easy catch.

HAPPY – feeling or showing pleasure; pleased
happy ABOUT a situation
- I’m happy about our new no overtime policy at the office. This means I can get home at a reasonable time every night.
happy WITH something you receive or the results of an action
- I’m happy with the new policy. My wife will also be happy, no more late nights.
Adjectives +
SORRY – feeling sad and ashamed about something that has been done
We are sorry ABOUT a situation or something that happened.
- I’m sorry about all the junk in the garage. I’ll clean it up after dinner.
We can be sorry FOR something we did
- I’m sorry for putting all my junk in the garage. I’ll clean it up after dinner.
(more) Adjectives + FOR
eager for – very interested and excited by something that is going to happen or about something that you want to do; showing this
- This summer has been too hot. I’m eager for Autumn to bring some cool weather.
eligible for – able to be chosen for something: able to do or receive something
- Good news! My family is eligible for the government stimulus. we can get an extra $2,000 next month.
famous for – known about by many people
- This part of the city is popular among young people and famous for its nightlife.
Learn the difference between the words Famous and Popular here
grateful for – feeling or showing thanks because somebody has done something kind for you or has done as you asked
- I’m grateful for all your help during this difficult time.
good for – having a useful or helpful effect on somebody/something
- Eat your vegetables, they’re good for you.
notorious for – well known for being bad
- It’s a popular area but it’s also notorious for criminal activity.
prepared for – ready and able to deal with something
- We must be prepared for anything. you never know what could happen in today’s world.
ready for – fully prepared for what you are going to do and able to start it immediately
- Everyone at the office is busy getting ready for the shareholder meeting at 6 tonight.

renowned for – famous and respected
- The chef at this restaurant is renowned for his culinary skills. he makes all his dishes by hand with a team of experts.
responsible for – having the job or duty of doing something or taking care of somebody/something, so that you may be blamed if something goes wrong
- As the head coach, I’m responsible for every member of this team.
respected for – to have a very good opinion of somebody/something; to admire somebody/something
- The teacher is well-liked and respected for his professionalism and the kindness he shows to his students.
suitable for – right or appropriate for a particular purpose or occasion
- This is a beautiful photograph. it’s suitable for framing.
thankful for – pleased about something good that has happened, or that something bad has not happened
- I’m thankful for all the great people in my life and I want to show them how much I appreciate that.
Adjectives + OF
Adjectives with feeling + of + the thing that gives us that feeling.
afraid of – feeling fear; frightened because you think that you might be hurt or suffer
- Jason is afraid of clowns. When he was younger he never went to the circus.
ashamed of – feeling shame or feeling embarrassed about somebody/something or because of something you have done
- I’m ashamed of how I acted at the party.
find of – finding something pleasant, especially something you have liked or enjoyed for a long time
- I’m not fond of horror movies. Scary and suspenseful movies are okay but I don’t enjoy seeing blood.
frightened of – afraid; feeling fear
- Are you frightened of anything?
jealous of – feeling angry or unhappy because somebody you like or love is showing interest in somebody else
- Felicity has always been jealous of her older sister.
proud of – feeling pleased and satisfied about something that you own or have done, or are connected with
- My brother lost 14 kilograms last year. I’m very proud of him.
scared of – frightened of something or afraid that something bad might happen
- I’m not scared of spiders. I think they’re really cool.
tired/sick of – had too much of something, or done something too much ~ to be bored with an activity, a thing, or person
- I’m tired of bad news. I want to hear something positive for a change.
terrified of – very frightened
- Pauline is terrified of cockroaches.
Other Adjectives with of
aware of – knowing or realizing something
- I was not aware of that.
capable of – having the ability or qualities necessary for doing something
- People are capable of amazing things!
full of – having or containing a large number or amount of something/somebody
- Next year will be full of opportunities for everyone.
typical of – (often disapproving) behaving in the way that you expect
- They raised the prices again! That’s typical of this store.
sure of – confident that you know something or that you are right
- It will rain tomorrow, I’m sure of it.
I have a full blog post on How to use Adjectives with the preposition OF (English grammar)
Adjectives + TO
addicted to – unable to stop using or doing something as a habit, especially something harmful
- I fear Walter has become addicted to painkillers and needs help.
allergic to – having an allergy to something
- My nephew is allergic to eggs. If he eats eggs he gets a rash on his face and neck.
accustomed to – familiar with something and accepting it as normal or usual
- I have lived in Japan for over 15 years so I’m accustomed to the culture now.
committed to – willing to work hard and give your time and energy to something; believing strongly in something

- The mayor is committed to the economic development of the city.
dedicated to – working hard at something because it is very important to you
- Adrian was very committed to his job and soon got promoted to assistant manager for his hard work.
friendly to – behaving in a kind and pleasant way because you like somebody or want to help them
- I really like Patrick. He has a great personality and he’s friendly to everyone.
kind to – caring about others; gentle, friendly, and generous
- We should all be kind to our elders. We can learn a lot from their life experience.
married to – having a husband or wife
- Brenda has been married to Peter for 11 years.
opposed to – disagreeing strongly with something and trying to stop it
- I’m opposed to this merger. I don’t think it helps our company and we should reject the offer.
receptive to – willing to listen to or to accept new ideas or suggestions
- I’m receptive to the idea I’m working partly from home and partly at the office once the pandemic is over. I think two days from home and 3 days from the office is fair.

The prepositions TO and AT can be confusing. Learn how to use these prepositions with VERBS here – Verbs with the prepositions TO and AT (Video + PDF) |
related to – connected with something/somebody in some way; in the same family
- Chris doesn’t want everyone to know that he’s related to the boss. He doesn’t want special treatment.
rude to – having or showing a lack of respect for other people and their feelings
- The staff at that restaurant was very rude to my wife so I will never go back there and I certainly don’t recommend it to anyone else.
similar to – like somebody/something but not exactly the same
- The climate in Hokkaido is similar to the climate in my home city in Canada.
*NOTE* We say similar TO but different FROM.
It’s quite different from the weather in Mark’s native New Zealand.
superior to – better in quality than somebody/something else; greater than somebody/something else
- Louis prefers this brand of running shoes. He feels this company is superior to all the others.
Adjectives + WITH
crowded with – full of something
- The stores are crowded with people looking for bargains.
thick with Informal/casual – having a large number of people or a large amount of something in one place (This meaning is similar to crowded with)
- The stores are thick with people looking for bargains.
- Downtown is thick with protesters right now. They are marching against the government’s tax increase.
impressed with – admiring somebody/something because you think they are particularly good, interesting, etc.
- I made it past the first round of cuts in the basketball team tryouts. The coach said he was impressed with my shooting.
bored with – feeling tired and impatient because you have lost interest in somebody/something or because you have nothing to do
- I’m getting bored with school. I can’t wait to graduate school and start working.
associated with – if one thing is associated with another, the two things are connected because they happen together or one thing causes the other
- After the terrible things that the singer said in the TV interview his bandmates and his manager don’t want to be associated with him anymore.
blessed with – (in religious language) lucky
- They were blessed with their third child 2 days ago. A happy baby boy.
confronted with – (of problems or a difficult situation) appearing and needing to be dealt with by somebody
- The politician didn’t know what to say when she was confronted with these issues.
content with – happy and satisfied with what you have
- I’m content with the way things are right now. There is no need to change anything at the moment.
delighted with – very pleased
- My manager was delighted with my proposal so I’m pretty sure the project will get budget approval.
disappointed with – upset because something you hoped for has not happened or been as good, successful, etc. as you expected
- The citizens were very disappointed with the president after he failed to deliver any of his election promises.

fed up with – bored or unhappy, especially with a situation that has continued for too long
- The citizens are getting fed up with the government’s lies and broken promises.
familiar with – well known to you; often seen or heard and therefore easy to recognize
- I’m not familiar with that word. let me look it up in my online dictionary.
okay with – all right; acceptable; in an acceptable way
- I’m okay with staying in tonight if you are too. We can go out tomorrow night.
pleased with – feeling happy about something
- I’m very pleased with the way things turned out.
popular with – liked or enjoyed by a large number of people
- This phone is popular with young people right now.
satisfied with – pleased because you have achieved something or because something that you wanted to happen has happened
- I have an older phone but I’m very satisfied with it. I’ve never had any problems and it does everything I need it to do.
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