February – Where does the name come from?

February is the shortest month of the year, but if you live in the North, February feels long. It’s very cold!

At the start of the year, we learned where January got its name. (You will find a link to this post at the bottom of the page.)

The Story of February

February is the second month of the year on the calendars of many Western countries. It also has a leap day every 4 years.

(February) has 28 days in common years or 29 in leap years, with the 29th day being called the leap day. SOURCE

A leap year is a year with an extra day, February 29th, to keep the seasons (Spring, Summer, Winter, and Autumn) in sync with the months of the year.

Do you ever wonder where the Season names came from? Autumn Or Fall? 4 Season Names (Learn their origins HERE)

A leap year happens every 4 years. If we didn’t add that extra day the weather of the seasons wouldn’t match our calendar months. Summer in Canada would eventually come in December…

Did You Know?

Leap years are also the year of the Summer Olympics. A leap year happens every 4 years, just like the Summer Olympics, they happen in the same year!

In common years February is the only month that can happen without a full moon. Full moons happen every 29.53 days.

By Tomruen – Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=53147136

The word February comes from the Roman festival called Februa where people were ritually washed.

ritually adverb ​in a special way, especially as part of a religious ceremony

Like the month of January, whose name comes from the god Janus, there is a Roman god called Februus.

Why is the First Month Called January? (+ More Fun Facts)

But unlike January, the month of February is named for the festival Februa and not for the god. (BUT the festival and the god are related…)

I like September. Where I live September is cool and very comfortable and I like Fall fashion. How about you? What’s your favorite month? Why do you like it?
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