Master 6 Phrasal Verbs with CUT (17 easy to understand examples)

English Phrasal verbs with CUT

be cut out (for) – to have the qualities and abilities needed for something
cut out – if a motor or an engine cuts out, it suddenly stops working
cut across – to go across something in order to make your route shorter
cut back – to reduce something
cut down – to reduce the size, amount, or number of something
cut off – cut (somebody/something) off – to interrupt somebody or stop somebody/something

In this post, I want to share 6 English phrasal verbs with CUT. Oxford Learner’s Dictionaries dot com lists 24 different uses for the verb CUT!  LINK

Many uses have a meaning that is easy to imagine, but some are not so common. I’ll explain the meaning and then help you understand it with lots of helpful examples.

Are you CUT OUT for this English lesson?

Table of Contents

CUT out

be cut out (for) – to have the qualities and abilities needed for something
“He’s not cut out for politics. He is too rude and he doesn’t know how to talk to people.”

– I guess I’m not cut out for the track team. (I lack the ability to run fast. I wouldn’t be a good track athlete.)

– Maybe I’m not cut out for this job. (I don’t think I have the qualities to do this job properly.)

– I’m just not cut out for flying. (I don’t have wings that can fly.)

CUT out Pt.2

cut out – if a motor or an engine cuts out, it suddenly stops working

“I was driving home after work and my engine suddenly cut out. Now I have to take my car to the shop. I hope it’s not going to be expensive!” (My car [engine] suddenly stopped working.)
*A phone or other electronic audio communication can CUT OUT.

CUT across

cut across – to go across something in order to make your route shorter


“If we cut across the field, it’ll save time.” (The distance from here to where we are going will be shorter if we walk through the field)

“I usually cut across the park on my way home.”
*Cut through is also natural ~
“I usually cut through the park on my way home.”

CUT back

cut back – to reduce something


cut back (on something)
“The company wants to cut back on spending. No more flying first class for business trips.”

“The doctor said my uncle needs to cut back on salt. Eating too much salt is not good for your heart.”

CUT down

cut down – to reduce the size, amount or number of something

“We need to cut the article down to 1000 words.” (reduce the size of the article.)

(Cut down can also have a similar meaning to cut back)
“The doctor told him to cut down on his drinking.” (reduce the amount of alcohol that he drinks. Drink less.)

CUT off

cut off – cut (somebody) off – to interrupt somebody and stop them from speaking


“The president’s speech was cut off by loud protests.”

M: Honey, I’m late because…
W: I’m so mad at you right now! 
M: “She cut me off before I could explain.”

cut off – cut (something) off  [often passive] to stop the supply of something to somebody
“Our water supply has been cut off.”

A: Our electricity has been cut off! Did you pay the electric bill this month?
B: Oops! I must have forgot!

Thanks for reading this post explaining 6 English Phrasal verbs with CUT. I hope it was helpful. Tell me which phrasal verb you are going to use today in the comments. Whatever you do today I hope your day is great!

Learn more helpful English Phrasal Verbs at these other great posts ↓

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