'Video thumbnail for How TO and FOR can help you share your 💡ideas in English *Audio fixed'

How TO and FOR can help you share your 💡ideas in English *Audio fixed

15K views Oct 17, 2022

In this video, You will learn how to use the words TO and FOR just like a native speaker. Learn more about TO and FOR English grammar here: https://worldenglishblog.com/the-difference-between-to-and-for/ To and For TO is used with a verb. “I came to eat lunch.” (Eat is a verb.) FOR is used with a noun. “I came for lunch.” (Lunch is a noun.) Do you have any questions about Confusing English vocabulary? Let me know in the comments section below! 🌎 Helpful English Resources💬 ・Beginner/Intermediate ・High Intermediate ・English teachers ・Tips for EVERYONE! 📝 https://worldenglishblog.com/english-resources/ ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★

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