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So and Such (English grammar)

7K views Oct 20, 2022

This video will teach you how to use the English words SO and SUCH. The meaning can be the same but they are used with different kinds of words. Please enjoy this English video and leave a comment using this grammar. Do you want more? Click the blog post link below, review this lesson, and sign up for a FREE English worksheet. Get this PDF and 8 MORE. Blog post link: https://worldenglishblog.com/so-and-such/ Watch my SO and SUCH quiz video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cctrrLUJko8 💬Helpful English Resources💬 ・Beginner/Intermediate ・High Intermediate ・English teachers ・Tips for EVERYONE! 📝 https://worldenglishblog.com/english-resources/ 📧English newsletter: https://worldenglishblog.com/free-english-newsletter/ 🌐English Blog: https://www.worldenglishblog.com/ ⭐ Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.jp/1english808/