10 🐷Pig Idioms in English (Learn FAST)
Here are 10 common English idioms with the word PIG as chosen by me. Review these idioms at my blog post: https://worldenglishblog.com/2019-happy-new-year-10-idioms-with-pig/ My English resource page is here: https://worldenglishblog.com/english-resources/ Idiom list 1. Pig out(on something) – to eat too much of something at one time. 2. Eat like a pig – to eat a lot; to have a big appetite. 3. Make a pig of yourself – to eat a lot in a greedy or unpleasant way. 4. (A place) is a pigsty – a place is very dirty. 5. (be like) a greased pig – to move very fast and be difficult to catch. 6. Lipstick on a pig – to make a superficial (outside appearance) change but not make any meaningful changes. This is used for things that were not good before and still not good after changes to the appearance. 7. when pigs (can) fly – used to describe something that is very unlikely or will never happen. 8. Happy as a pig in mud – slang – very happy 9. Sweat like a pig – to sweat a lot 10. Guinea pig – if someone is used to test something or used in an experiment they are a guinea pig.