This video is another great chance to easily improve your English vocabulary by understanding the meaning of the suffix -hood. Learn 17 words, what they mean, and read real example sentences so you can easily use these words in your own conversations.
adulthood – the state of being an adult
bachelorhood – the time in a man’s life when he has never been married
boyhood – the time in a man’s life when he is a boy
brotherhood – The meaning of Brotherhood is not just about brothers or family, it’s friendship and understanding between people
childhood – the period of somebody’s life when they are a child
falsehood – the state of not being true; the act of telling a lie OR a statement that is not true
fatherhood – the state of being a father
girlhood – the time when somebody is a girl; the fact of being a girl
godhood – the state of being a god
knighthood – the rank or title of a knight
likelihood – the chance of something happening; how likely something is to happen
livelihood – a means of earning money in order to live
manhood – the state or time of being an adult man rather than a boy
neighborhood – a district or an area of a town; the people who live there
parenthood – the state of being a parent
priesthood – the job or position of being a priest
womanhood – the state of being a woman, rather than a girl