In this video, we’ll provide an in-depth explanation of the Prefix Extra. Learn more here:
Example sentence from the video:
・Benson was accused of an EXTRAMARITAL affair. He denied everything.
・Tonight’s dinner was EXTRAORDINARY. You are an amazing cook, thanks for inviting us over.
・Many high school students say that their EXTRACURRICULAR activities really helped them as they became adults and started working full-time jobs.
・Let me introduce you to my wife, my best friend, my life partner, and a Chef EXTRAORDINAIRE.
・The TV show is about a woman with ESP who helps the police solve crimes.
・Scientists have found an EXTRASOLAR planet whose conditions are very similar to Earth’s. ・A planet like this may potentially have life.
・It’s amazing to think about another planet outside our solar system with EXTRATERRESTRIAL life on it.
・Newspaper headlines should be clear and not include any EXTRANEOUS words that are not necessary.
・For many women, an EXTRAVAGANT wedding is not necessary. A small ceremony with close friends and family is enough to make them happy.
・My friend Oscar is really big. If I want to buy him a sweater for Christmas I always choose an EXTRA LARGE.
・Allison is very tiny. When she goes shopping for new clothes she always tries on an EXTRA SMALL, and it usually fits.
・Whenever I book a hotel room I always ask for a bed with an EXTRA-FIRM mattress. I can’t sleep well if the mattress is too soft.
We ordered an EXTRA-LONG shower curtain for the bathroom.
My headache is really bad, I think I need to take some EXTRA-STRENGTH pain reliever tablets and lay down for a while.
The drug store is now selling EXTRA-THIN condoms. I’m not sure that I trust them.
Lance needs to buy EXTRA-WIDE shoes or his feet get very sore after walking for just a short time.