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LIE or LAY? Confusing English Verbs

632 views Jan 10, 2023

The English verbs LIE and LAY are easily confused. This is true for native and non-native speakers alike! Here is the main reason why -The past tense of "lie" is "lay." Confusing right? Don’t worry, this blog post will help you understand the conjugations and meanings of the verbs LIE and LAY. (Plus helpful tips for remembering the difference.) Lie means - to be in a horizontal position (Intransitive) The past tense of LIE is LAY. - “I LAY down for a quick nap after lunch.” Lay means - to put or place something down (Transitive) The past tense of LAY is LAID. - “Daniel carefully LAID the books on his desk.” This post has everything you need to master this verb grammar with helpful examples.